Sunday, October 19, 2014

TOW #7: Sherlock Season 3 (Visual Text)

A few months prior to the release of Sherlock season three, the BBC released a twenty-five-second teaser video. With nearly two years between seasons two and three, viewers could easily have forgotten about the show, or lost interest due to the long wait. However, with the release of even such a short trailer, the BBC restored interest and got their viewers excited for an all-new season of the popular detective show.
The color scheme in the beginning of the short clip includes mostly dark hues. The key characters of previous seasons are all shown in relative darkness, and Sherlock himself is a mere shadow behind a door, an orangey light emanating from somewhere behind him. The ominous lighting creates an air of mystery, suitable not only for the detective show, but also for the note on which the previous season ended: Sherlock’s apparent death. This is coupled with the Sherlock theme song, which begins quietly, adding to the effect. The haunting shadows leave much in the dark for the viewer, working as an effective teaser for the new season. The fact that Sherlock himself is shown as a shadow adds to the initial anticipation—is it really him? The light from behind gives him a god-like look, fitting for the idea of him returning from the dead. However, it is a mild irony that might be recognized by a fan of the show, as in the last episode of season two, he says, “Oh, I may be on the side of the angels, but don't think for one second that I am one of them.” Perhaps the choice of hellish orange for the backlighting is representative of the fine line he walks between angel and demon. Toward the end of the clip, paired with a crescendo in the music, the back of Sherlock’s head is revealed, and then in full light, his face, before the screen abruptly becomes black and the music stops. This affirms that Sherlock is indeed returned but little else, not answering the burning question of how he survived his fall from the top of a London building. The gradual rise in the tone of the music and then abrupt end contributes to suspense. Certainly, the clip effectively teases the audience, reinvigorating their interest in the show.

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